Episode 94: Never Backing Down w/ Democratic State House Candidate Jodi Decker

Here’s Episode 94 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! 00:00-14:36: Trump Shooting/MAGA Violence/Neil Friske Pat opens the show talking about the assassination attempt on former President Trump, and how MAGA Republicans (with the help from corporate media) are trying to blame the Left for the shooting. It’s an absurd attack considering how MAGA extremists have been…

Friday Short: Media Protects Trump For Profits!

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for July 12, 2024. Yes, I’ve said my piece when it comes to what I believe President Biden should do this election. I think he should step aside to help the Democrats win. If I’m wrong, and Biden and the Democrats win big this November, then I’ll be…

Just Call Republicans What They Are: Fascists

Can we please stop being PC and call trump what he is: A fascist. And the gop is the party of fascism. Period. — (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) November 21, 2020 Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism…

Left of Lansing–Episode 27–Dave Wagner from Indivisible Michigan–3/1/2020

Another brand new episode of The Left of Lansing Podcast is posted! This week, Dave Wagner from the Indivisible Michigan joins the podcast. Indivisible Michigan is fighting to turn Michigan’s state legislature not only blue, but deep progressive blue as it highlights candidates with progressive spines. We talk about how Indivisible started, how it’s changing…