Friday Short: Delta County MAGA–like all MAGA–Try To Thwart Democracy

Here’s this week’s Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 17, 2024. Two MAGA Republican Board of Canvassers in Delta County are refusing to certify the recent recall elections where three MAGA Board of Commissioners received a thumping. This prevents the one Democrat, and two independents, from taking their oaths, and serving the people. But…

Building a Blue Foundation in the Upper Peninsula w/ Kelli van Ginhoven

Here’s Episode 84 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! One reason I started this venture is that I wanted to help show the importance of local and state politics. For sure, progressives have made some outstanding strides in terms of state politics with Democrats taking the state trifecta last year for the first time in four…

We Are Better Than That

As much as I‘m a HUGE proponent of impeachment & have been riveted by the hearings, I can’t shake the feeling that Trump got what he wanted (endless media mentions about Biden, scandal, & corruption in the same sentence) and Putin got what he wanted (America at war with itself.) — Chris Savage (@Eclectablog) November…