Episode 65: Long Overdue (and imperfect) Clean Energy Future Is Michigan Law

Here’s episode 65 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed some long overdue, albeit imperfect, clean energy legislation into law this week. I’ve covered the path The Clean Energy and Jobs Act had to take in Lansing throughout the year on the podcast. And while I believe Democrats missed an opportunity to…

Episode 64: Pro-Publica’s Anna Clark on Eliminating Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law.

Here’s episode 64 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! It’s great to have author and Pro-Publica reporter Anna Clark back on Left of Lansing this week. Anna’s written an insightful article on Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law, which allows state government to erase democracy by completely taking-over financially-strapped cities. Anna highlights how despite Michiganders voting to eliminate…

Episode 62: MAGA Keeps Losing On Abortion Rights, and My Defense of Rashida Tlaib

It’s episode 62 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! MAGA Republicans suffered another beatdown at the polls this past Election Day, and once again, abortion rights proved to be the key reason. Abortion rights scored a major victory in Ohio, and played a major role in Democrats retaining the Virginia state legislature. Yet, MAGA is doubling-down…

LoL Friday Short: A Victory For Tolerance & Education

The Left of Lansing Friday Short this week celebrates a judge’s ruling in which he dismissed a lawsuit over so-called “pornographic” books in Kent County’s Rockford Public Schools District. A right-wing Christian Nationalist group wanted to ban 14 books, most of which dealt with LGBTQ+ stories. The judge ruled the books as a whole have…

Left of Lansing’s “Monday Musings.” MI Democrats’ plan to stop local MAGA governments from blocking clean energy farms

Listen to my inaugural Left of Lansing “Monday Musings!” I talk about how local Maga governments throughout Michigan are fighting against solar and wind farms in their areas. Democrats have proposed one solution to remedy this problem: put the state in control of large scale clean energy projects, which overrides a local government’s powers. Democrats…