Friday Short: Democrats CANNOT Be Afraid of ’68 Convention Specter

Here’s the Friday Short for July 19, 2024! Many Biden supporters argue that Democrats can’t ask him to step aside, and they risk replaying the 1968 Democratic Convention, in which the eventual nominee, Hubert Humphrey, lost to Republican Richard Nixon. But I feel like we’re forgetting the events leading to the ’68 convention, and other…

Friday Short: Media Protects Trump For Profits!

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for July 12, 2024. Yes, I’ve said my piece when it comes to what I believe President Biden should do this election. I think he should step aside to help the Democrats win. If I’m wrong, and Biden and the Democrats win big this November, then I’ll be…

Friday Short: Why I’m Voting For Biden

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 3, 2024. Generation Z voters are protesting at college campuses across the country, showing their dissatisfaction and disdain for the United States’ continued backing of the right-wing Israeli government. And for some, refusing to vote for a second Biden Administration term this November is their way…

Friday Short: The White Christian Nationalist “Fundie Baby Voice”

We’ve made it to another Friday, which means it’s time for another LoL Friday Short! I continue my examination into the different aspects of White Christian Nationalism by concentrating on Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt’s response to President Joe Biden’s strong State Of The Union address this week. Britt’s breathy, high-pitch delivery is known as…

Episode 70: The Rich Are O.K With Fascism

Here’s episode 70 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Please vote on this week’s poll question: Polls show President Biden’s losing to Donald Trump in Michigan. How do you feel about these numbers less than 10 months from Election Day? On this week’s episode, I cover how Democrats across the country have been given a beautiful…

We Are Better Than That

As much as I‘m a HUGE proponent of impeachment & have been riveted by the hearings, I can’t shake the feeling that Trump got what he wanted (endless media mentions about Biden, scandal, & corruption in the same sentence) and Putin got what he wanted (America at war with itself.) — Chris Savage (@Eclectablog) November…

Michigan Tops In PFAS In Nation. We’re Number…One?

This is a list the state of Michigan doesn’t want to win. Unfortunately, as Michigan Advance notes, we are “winning”: Michigan has the most sites in the country known to be contaminated with the group of toxic chemicals known as PFAS, according to a new report from the Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Working Group. The environmental and…

Show You’ll Fight For The People, And You’ll Win. Democrats, Please, Take Note!

This new ABC News poll illustrates what I’ve been advocating for years: 72% of Americans say the country’s political system works mainly to benefit those in power, and 62% say the same about the economic system, according to a new @ABC News/WaPo poll — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) April 29, 2019 As I…