LoL Friday Short: A Victory For Tolerance & Education

The Left of Lansing Friday Short this week celebrates a judge’s ruling in which he dismissed a lawsuit over so-called “pornographic” books in Kent County’s Rockford Public Schools District. A right-wing Christian Nationalist group wanted to ban 14 books, most of which dealt with LGBTQ+ stories. The judge ruled the books as a whole have…

Who could be against free meals for public school students?

The main reason the Right wants to prevent free meals is to avoid strengthening the community bond between #parents and #publicschools. The other reason is it’s a competitor to big anti-labor grocery chains. — Josh Cowen (@joshcowenMSU) June 19, 2023 As I discussed with Democratic State Senator Stephanie Chang in this week’s podcast, Michigan…

Getting In The Game To Save Michigan’s Education System

Great article by Chalkbeat on new Michigan State Senator Dayna Polehanki. She was a high school English teacher for 17 years, but Trump’s 2016 spurned her to get into Michigan’s political game. She ran. And she won, flipping a Republican district in the southeastern part of the state. State Senator Polehanki’s now trying to slowly…