Monday Musing: Democrats Can’t Send Mixed Messages On Republican Extremism

Here’s the Monday Musing for June 3, 2024 Democrats are in trouble of diluting and mixing their campaign messaging when it comes to the serious threat Trump and the Republicans are to democracy. Democrats must be firm and consistent with their messaging in order to ensure Democrats keep not only the Michigan Legislature blue, but…

Friday Short: Republicans Believe Starving Kids Makes America Great

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 24, 2024. Congressional Republicans are trying to pass a new funding scheme that cuts the food stamps program by $30 billion in the next decade. And the unreal part about all of this is that a significant portion of rural Americans rely on the program! Michigan…

Friday Short: How Is Rashida Tlaib Raising Over $3 Million in Campaign Donations? Easy. By Standing Up For People

Here’s this week’s LoL Friday Short. It’s being reported this week that Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has raised nearly $4-million in campaign contributions in the last three months. That’s despite House Republicans censuring her last Fall for her stance against Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip. And that’s despite being hung-out to dry by…

The Friday Short: Nikki Haley’s Profiles In Courage Moment Failure

My first Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for 2024 deals with Nikki Haley’s failure to flat-out say the American Civil War was fought over the right for Southern states to continue the practice of slavery. But there’s a reason why Haley couldn’t give a straight answer to that simple question. She, like all of her…

LoL Friday Short: UAW’s Fain Shows The Power of Messaging

The Left of Lansing “Friday Short” this week puts a spotlight on UAW President Shawn Fain’s effective messaging campaign during the union’s strike against the Big Three Detroit automakers. Fain isn’t allowing right wing forces, including the Republican Party or Donald Trump, to pit worker against worker, or unions against environmentalists. He’s clearly defining who…