Friday Short: Trump Verdict Reveals Entire Michigan GOP’s Extremism

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 31, 2024 The entire Michigan Republican Party is revealing its fascist and authoritarianism ways by its reactions to Dear Leader Trump being found GUILTY of all 34 felony counts of falsifying financial records to hide his payoffs to a porn star, which influenced the outcome of…

ProPublica’s Andy Kroll On Michigan’s MAGA War on Democracy

Welcome to Episode 88 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! On this week’s show, Pat has some fun at the expense of the big oil and land developer-backed group calling itself “Citizens For Local Choice,” which announced its hopes of putting a repeal of a renewable energy siting law on this November’s ballot FAILED to garner…

Friday Short: Delta County MAGA–like all MAGA–Try To Thwart Democracy

Here’s this week’s Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 17, 2024. Two MAGA Republican Board of Canvassers in Delta County are refusing to certify the recent recall elections where three MAGA Board of Commissioners received a thumping. This prevents the one Democrat, and two independents, from taking their oaths, and serving the people. But…

Going After Every Vote w/ Michigan Democratic Party Rural Caucus Chair Mark Ludwig

Here’s Episode 86 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Pat’s got much to say about the shenanigans happening in Delta County this week! Just after three MAGA Delta County commissioners suffered humiliating recall election losses, two right-wing Board of Canvassers there refused to certify the elections! It’s a pattern we’ve been seeing when it comes to…

Friday Short: Why I’m Voting For Biden

Here’s the Left of Lansing “Friday Short” for May 3, 2024. Generation Z voters are protesting at college campuses across the country, showing their dissatisfaction and disdain for the United States’ continued backing of the right-wing Israeli government. And for some, refusing to vote for a second Biden Administration term this November is their way…

Episode 66: Pushing The Overton Window w/ Democratic State Rep. Emily Dievendorf

It’s Episode 66 of Michigan’s Premier Progressive Podcast! This week, I can’t hold back my disdain for the Michigan Public Service Commission’s decision to green-light an expensive, and short-sighted, tunnel project for the stretch of the 70-year old Line 5 oil pipeline in the Straits of Mackinac. Despite studies showing why the pipeline must stop…

Friday Left of Lansing Short: GOP Wants TikTok Ban To Hurt Gen Z

This week’s “Short” deals with the Republican effort to ban TikTok in the United States. Ostensibly, they argue it’s to protect our privacy since TikTok is a Chinese company. But the main reason Republicans are fighting for a ban is to take-away a major communication tool from Generation Z voters, who are by far the…

Episode 48: Progress Michigan’s Jade Gray on Connecting With Gen Z Voters

Here’s Episode 48 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Happy Indictment Week III! I had so many words and thoughts to share as Donald Trump faces his third indictment this week. He’s finally been charged for the role he played for the January 6th insurrection in an effort to steal the 2020 election. Despite getting indicted…