Building a Blue Foundation in the Upper Peninsula w/ Kelli van Ginhoven

Here’s Episode 84 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! One reason I started this venture is that I wanted to help show the importance of local and state politics. For sure, progressives have made some outstanding strides in terms of state politics with Democrats taking the state trifecta last year for the first time in four…

Want to improve Detroit? How about cleaning-up the air?

In a recent Detroit Metro Times report on how environmental racism continues to impact the City of Detroit, Steve Nealing writes: Pollution is a widespread problem in the majority-Black city of Detroit. The University of Michigan School of Public Health estimates that air pollution kills more than 650 Detroiters a year — more than twice…

Episode 76: The History of White Christian Nationalism w/ Dr. Sara Moslener

It’s episode 76 of Michigan’s premier progressive podcast! Lots of material in this week’s episode, including Pat’s examination of new Michigan GOP chair Pete Hoekstra’s record as a former congressman, ambassador, Tea Party founder, Trump-backer, and lobbyist. Sure, Pete Hoekstra doesn’t believe in demonic possession unlike his predecessor (at least, he hasn’t publicly said he…

Friday Short: Josh Shriver’s Radicalism (and Racism) Is What America’s Right Wing Is All About

Here’s this week’s Left of Lansing “Friday Short.” Michigan Republican State Representative Jason Shriver was stripped of his committee assignments, and of his staff, after retweeting a racist tweet on the “Great Replacement Theory,” which pervades the radical, right wing world. Naturally, Shriver’s got his online defenders, but also defenders within the Michigan Republican Party….

LoL Friday Short: A Victory For Tolerance & Education

The Left of Lansing Friday Short this week celebrates a judge’s ruling in which he dismissed a lawsuit over so-called “pornographic” books in Kent County’s Rockford Public Schools District. A right-wing Christian Nationalist group wanted to ban 14 books, most of which dealt with LGBTQ+ stories. The judge ruled the books as a whole have…